What to Expect at OGC
Curious about Sunday service?
As you come into OGC on a Sunday morning, you’ll be greeted with a smile and handshake by our welcome team.
We’re a pretty big mix of backgrounds. From those who’ve attended OGC for over 80 years to those who are entering a church for the first time and aren’t quite sure about Christianity yet, along with everything in between. Heaven’s going to be a really diverse place, and we’re thankful for the mix of people God has put together here! Clothing is just as varied–from shorts and tshirts to suits and ties.
We’re all imperfect followers of the perfect God, saved and worshiping together only by his grace. We’d love for you to join us and see what God’s doing here at Oak Grove and in Evansville!
Joining us for a Bible study?
If you’re coming for a Bible study, it’s likely located at our older building on W. Church St. The best entrance for these is the stairs on the west side of the building that go down, rather than the front door entrance on the corner of the street.